National Night Out Hosted by Block Captains

Neighbors gathered throughout the Hill on October 1 to celebrate National Night Out. Block captains hosted seven block parties, including gatherings on Bischoff, Elizabeth, Botanical, Shaw, and Wilson Avenues. St. Louis police officers and firemen visited several parties, Chief Robert Tracy stopped by 5300 Elizabeth, and Justin Rohloff, the Hill’s Neighborhood Improvement Specialist stopped by several parties, too.

National Night Out is an annual evening of block parties across the City of St. Louis. The night is designed to strengthen neighborhood spirit by bringing neighbors together and fostering police-community partnerships. Many cities across the country celebrate the event in August. City neighborhoods celebrate the night on the first Tuesday of October. On that day the City waives street blocking permit fees for those hosting NNO parties.

All parties on the Hill featured food and drink, while several included music. A firetruck made the rounds. Block captains reported participation ranging from a dozen neighbors to several parties having more than 30 neighbors, including just over 40 folks at the party on Elizabeth. That block has celebrated Neighborhood Night Out for nearly a decade.

Block parties are an integral part of growing a safe and secure neighborhood. These gatherings provide an opportunity for neighbors to mingle and get to know each other. Block captains play an integral part in the success of these gatherings, organizing and communicating with their neighbors about events on their block.

We need you. We have 43 block captains serving our community. But, we have nearly 50 blocks throughout the Hill that need a captain. Interested in helping bring your block together? Please reach out to: or