Giving to The Hill

Welcome to The Hill – a community that thrives on tradition and Italian heritage! By making a donation today, you become an essential part of developing and maintaining our four main pillars:

  • Beautification
  • Philanthropy
  • Preservation
  • Safety & Security 

Your support, no matter the amount, helps maintain the strong and connected community we strive to be.  Click the link below to make a secure donation:

The Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association thanks you for your contribution. Together, we are the driving force behind an exceptional and vibrant community!

For any questions or further information, please contact us at or 314.260.9162. 

Mille Grazie


*The Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association is a 5019c) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible. You will receive an email shortly for your tax records.