
Find fun things to do On The Hill in St. Louis, MO! 

Browse bar & restaurants, outdoor activities & festivals, kids activities and visit our calendar for upcoming events.

Find fun things to do at the Hill in St. Louis, MO. Browse bar & restaurants, outdoor activities & festivals, kids activities and visit our calendar for upcoming events.

Neighborhood Clean-Up

Berra Park , United States

It’s back! Join us Saturday, April 26 for The Hill Neighborhood Clean-Up Day. We will meet at 10am in Berra Park. From there, volunteers will fan out into the neighborhood for a morning of service and beautification. Alleys, sidewalks, streets and public spaces will all be targeted. Tools, gloves, and trash bags will be provided … Continued

Soap Box Derby

The All-American Soap Box Derby is a youth racing program for boys and girls ages 7-18 to compete in the Stock or Super Stock divisions. The Soap Box Derby has run nationally since 1934 and has been part of St. Louis tradition since 1950's where they raced down Highway 40! Today, we race down Macklind … Continued

Independence Day Fireworks Show

Gather up the lawn chairs and kids for the annual Independence Day fireworks show at Sublette Park! The event is free to enjoy. Be sure to get there early for the best parking and viewing spots! Fireworks start at Dusk. As always, this year promises to be a great event!

Giro Della Montagna

Giro Della Montagna will be held on Sunday, August 31 and this year is the 40th anniversary of the Race!!! The historical backdrop of The Hill neighborhood, coupled with fierce cyclist competition, draws hundreds of spectators for the Giro, making it a favorite stop of the Gateway Cup. Giro was started in 1986 and was … Continued

National Night Out

Join us for National Night Out – a night of community, connection and crime prevention! Come together with neighbors and first responders for a fun-filled evening of food, activities and safety awareness.

Italian Heritage Parade & Festa

Berra Park , United States

The Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association is hosting the 157th Italian Heritage Parade and Festa on Sunday, October 12 at Berra Park. This is a day to celebrate our Italian heritage highlighting some of our finest Italian community members and businesses on The Hill. Italian Heritage Parade and Festa is a family-friendly celebration of food, music, … Continued

Christmas On The Hill

Join us for Christmas on The Hill – a day of fun and Christmas magic! This annual event brings friends and neighbors together at the heart of The Hill for holiday traditions for the entire family. The event includes visits with Santa, storytelling from La Befana, kid’s crafts and cookie decorating and much more! Join … Continued

Explore the trendy- yet historical St. Louis neighborhood on your own with a map from the Neighborhood Center, or simply choose from our event calendar to discover your new favorite thing to do in STL.

To get your event featured on our website, please contact us here.