The Hill House Tour

Jun 23, 2024


The Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association is sponsoring the third House Tour of The Hill on June 23, 2024. Proceeds from the tour will benefit Hill 2000’s many neighborhood projects, such as safety and security, beautification, and preservation through the Hill Neighborhood Center. Our intention is to showcase ten to twelve houses on the tour – creative rehabs of shotgun and bungalow housing, as well as bold new construction – all demonstrating what can be done with existing housing stock when an established neighborhood is determined to maintain its sense of community. Additionally, we will include historic institutions, and businesses on The Hill.

Ticket Purchase and Tour Book

Please know ticket quantities are limited. Also note children under twelve do need a ticket.

How to get advance tickets --

Tickets may be purchased in advance for $30.00 each online at or at the Hill Neighborhood Center, 1935 Marconi Avenue.


Keep your receipt! --

If you purchased your ticket prior to June 23, either online or at the Center, please bring your receipt to collect your Tour Book on the day of the event.

Same day purchase --

On-line purchases close on June 21. Tickets may be bought in person only on June 23 for $35.00 at the Neighborhood Center.

Helpful Information

June 23 is a Sunday, therefore parking on the Hill should be more plentiful than other days. You may find parking space around Berra Park, or on any nearby street. Please pay attention to driveways, and alleyways so as not to block them. Try to place your car close to the curb, and for your car’s sake fold your street side mirror in if possible. Restrooms will be available at select locations throughout the Tour and will be noted in the Tour Book. Guests will have easy access to bottled water. Each Tour location will be marked on a map in the Tour Book. In addition each place will have an eye-catching sign on the lawn or doorway. Note our Home Tour sponsors whose ads are in the Tour Book. They are friends of The Hill. We would appreciate your support of their establishments. A list of open businesses and restaurants will be available on the 23th.


June 23, 2024
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm