The mission of the Hill Block Captain program is to foster community by introducing neighbors to the community, communicating information, and mobilizing neighbors for the community’s behalf.
Block Captain responsibilities are:
● Communicate information about neighborhood events, security concerns, available City services, and neighborhood resources to the neighbors living on your block.
● Welcome new neighbors to your block and provide them with a membership application for Hill 2000 (the Hill Neighborhood Association).
● Maintain a list of neighbors living on your block.
● Attend Block Captain organizational meetings, scheduled quarterly at the Hill Neighborhood Center.
● Display yard signs for Hill Neighborhood Association general meetings.
● Stay informed of current neighborhood events, security concerns, and available services and resources through email communication with the Block Captain coordinator and the Hill website.
● Facilitate gatherings of neighbors at regular block parties or other events, including Neighborhood Night Out activities
Interested in helping your neighborhood? Or would you simply like more information about the Hill’s Block Captain Program? Please reach out to: